How Spencer Rotary Makes an Impact
Provides two $1,000 scholarships to SHS graduates (awarded annually)
Primary supporter of Literacy Partners (who buy books for elementary students)
Sole sponsor of the SHS Academic Letter Program (awarded annually)
Awards prize money to Spencer ADA’s poster contest winners
Sponsors two SHS students at RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards camp)
Significant Projects and Awarded Grants
Contributed to the Spencer Hospital expansion and Abben Cancer Center
Key donor on the construction of the Clay County Heritage Center
Major donor for the Spencer Community Theater remodel
Key donor for the North Grand Avenue streetscape/landscaping renovation
Contributing sponsor of a safety fence outside Autumn’s Center
Paid for and built a shelter house at Stolley Park
Sponsored a new Pet Cleanup Station near Pedersen Park
Paid for bike racks around Spencer
Major sponsor of Law Enforcement Benefit to purchase equipment
Major sponsor* of requested equipment for new Fire Tower Training Facility
Awarded $10,000* to Autumn’s Center to build a fence around their playground equipment
Awarded $10,000* to People for Pets for a new roof
Awarded $10,000* to Spencer Community Theater for renovation of the old green room
Awarded $10,000* to the Clay County Fair for renovation of the new small animal building
Awarded $10,000* to VFW Post 3159 for kitchen and dining renovations
Awarded $10,000* to the City of Spencer for a new pavillion roof at Stolley Park